Your first day teaching at a preschool should be a great experience for your charges as it is for you. Whether you’ve been in education for years or are going on your first day on the job, first impressions matter here–probably more than anywhere else.
That’s because, on that first day, you’ll form the standards in terms of what these kids can expect for the rest of the school year. Furthermore, and perhaps more importantly, you’ll also form the standards of what your charges will expect in a teacher for the foreseeable future.
Having said that, here are a few tips on how to nail your first day, create amazing new memories with your pupils, and have the smoothest experience possible:
Make an Effort to Get to Know Them
Getting to know the children under your care is as important as letting them get to know you, especially at the start.
Name label stickersare a fun and easy way to help you remember your pupils’ names and help them remember yours. Our name label stickers here at Sticky Monkey Labels come in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit your needs. They feature vibrant and colorful designs that kids will love and be proud to wear on their chests. Mom-developed and rigorously tested, our name label stickers are printed on durable and waterproof materials that will keep them intact and legible.
Beyond memorizing their names, you can get to know the children a little better through games or exercises such as show and tell. Using games to extract more information is a great way to get even the shyest kids out of their shell. It also helps improve their communication skills.
Establish Routines Early
Children need routine, both at home and in the classroom. They feel safer and more secure when their day-to-day activities are consistently predictable. It also helps manage their expectations, minimizing any issues and making it easier for you to prod them into finishing certain tasks.
Additionally, routines allow children to exercise their independence. With a schedule in place, they’ll know what to do and when to do it. In doing so, they’ll also gain confidence and feel empowered, knowing that they did it all by themselves.
As a preschool teacher, routines will help you manage difficult days and make all the other ones a breeze. Establish a schedule on the first day and introduce it to the children. They may not yet know how to tell time, but with a roadmap of the day, they’ll be able to anticipate what’s going to happen next and be able to prepare themselves accordingly.
Create a Fun Environment
Preschool may be a child’s introduction to the educational system, but that doesn’t mean that everything should be rigid. Depending on the age group you’ll be teaching, you’ll have children aged anywhere between 3 to 5 years old. Kids this age have to be creatively convinced into paying attention, especially when you need to say something important.
A fun environment keeps preschoolers interested and engaged. Fun ways to get their attention will also help when they’re distracted. They should be able to play independently, but also encouraged to participate in group activities.
Here, again, stickers and labels can help. Our Teacher Reward Stickers are not only great for you to complement your students work with, but you can also create games around them, like “give your sticker to your best friend” or “use a sticker to compliment someone”. These will teach children how to be generous and kind to each other.
Expect the Unexpected
You can prepare for your first day or week as best as you can, but there’s no preventing the occasional surprise from happening. Preschoolers are naturally curious, which can lead to certain mishaps like skinned knees or a mess of the fingerpaints. They may pose questions and strive for answers that you’ll have to spend the day elaborating on, changing what you may have had planned.
You’ll want to have the appropriate supplies on hand for any classroom or playground mishaps. A first aid kit is essential, of course, but rags or wipes to clean up any messes are also good to have around. Remember that it’s okay not to follow your routine one day–you can always re-establish it on the next. Give yourself and your pupils room to be flexible, and you’ll all be happier for it.
Don’t Forget to Practice Self-Care
Taking care of preschoolers is a tough job. It is personally rewarding and highly fulfilling, to be sure, but it can definitely be draining. First days can be especially so, with all the activities you’ll have to engage in and the information you’ll need to absorb.
To that end, make sure that you’re taking care of yourself, too. It could be a good idea to join the children during snack time and refuel while they do. If you need a bit of time to regroup, slotting in a bit of quiet time to do some art or read a story to them are excellent low-engagement options.
Cost Savings for Teachers
Any of our label sheets and packs can be split with multiple names, which helps make sure everyone gets the labels they need at a price they can afford. In addition, we offer Teacher Discounts that are quick and easy to sign up for on our website.
For stickers and labels that you can use to have fun with the kids, organize the classroom, and anything else you can think of, check out our selections today! Just click on the hamburger icon to reveal the sidebar.