How to Help Prepare Your Kids for Daycare

How to Help Prepare Your Kids for Daycare

Jun 18th, 2024

How to Help Prepare Your Kids for Daycare

Have you ever felt as though your kids grow up so fast? The first year of a child, after all, comes with a lot of changes, especially in terms of their growth and development.  One day they’re small, little infants that rely on you for almost everything and anything, and then the next day they’re crawling around the house and speaking their first words.

During this period, parents will also slowly transition back to work after the set maternity and paternity leaves. When that happens, the question of whether they should put their child in daycare often comes up. The change, however, can sometimes be frustrating, as not all kids are able to adjust and transition well.

As a mom-owned business, we want to do all we can to help parents out. Hence, we’ve put together a couple of tips and pieces of advice on how you can best help prepare your babies for the transition into daycare. This includes how to utilize our daycare labels in the process!

What Is the Best Age to Start Daycare?

The first question you have to ask is, “Is my child ready for daycare?” After all, every child is different, and there isn’t really a standard age for putting your child into daycare. Some researchers say that a good time to transition an infant into daycare is the moment they hit 12 months, or 1 year. However, every child is different, and develops differently in terms of their independence, social skills, and levels of separation anxiety.

That said, more than just a fixed number or figure, here, instead, are some signs to help parents determine whether their child is actually ready for daycare.

1. Do They (Or Can They) Follow A Routine?

If there’s one thing that’s common in nearly all daycares, it’s that there are a set of rules, schedules, and routines that they follow. Observe your child at home, then. Does your family already follow a certain routine? Bedtime routines and naptime schedules are one thing you can pay attention to while they’re at home. If your child can follow a set of rules and routines, then they’re a step towards being ready for daycare.

                                daycare labels

2. How Independent Are They?

Expecting high levels of independence from a one-year-old may be too much. Some signs, however, that you can pay attention to in their first year are the following:

  • They are able to, and often choose to walk on their own, without your help
  • They can make small decisions (choosing which food and clothes they like best, for example)
  • They can express themselves and often attempt to form words to communicate

3. Are They Curious and Interactive?

Being able to get along well with other children is something you should take into consideration if you’re thinking about putting your kid into daycare. Usually, children who are regularly exposed to new people and situations are more likely to transition better. They’ve gotten used to being around other people or children and have probably learned a couple of social skills to help them interact with others.

Meeting new people and exploring different situations also makes them more accustomed to the unfamiliar (and daycare can be a very unfamiliar place). Being exposed to unfamiliar things often help pique their curiosity and encourage them to explore and try new things. This skill can be essential when preparing your kids for daycare.

How Long Does It Take for Your Baby to Adjust to Daycare?

So, you’ve noticed that your child is showing some signs of being ready for daycare. That doesn’t mean, though, that once you put them in that the transition will be instant. Usually, this transition period can last somewhere between one day up to four weeks. Younger kids, of course, are on the farther end of that period, and so it’s okay if you still see teary eyes up to your kid’s fourth week in daycare. There are, however, some things you can do to prepare them for the change.

Things You Can Do to Prepare Your Kids for Daycare?

1. Talk to Them About It

The first step to easing your child’s transition to daycare is to take the time to talk about it. Talking them through the change is a good way to set expectations for the big day. By setting their expectations, you’re turning an unfamiliar experience into something predictable and familiar. If the daycare gives you a schedule of activities beforehand, you can talk with your child about it and let them know what to expect with each activity.

2. Let them Bring Along Something Familiar and Comforting

Does your kid have a plushy that tags alongside them everywhere they go? Do they have a security blanket or pillow that they cuddle when they’re stressed out? Having them bring along something familiar and comforting can ease the stress they experience during the first few days at the daycare. And even if they’re not the ones stressed out during the first day, hearing other kids crying might still affect their overall mood during the day. Having a friend to help comfort them, in these cases, can go a long way.                                  

3. Let them Help You Prepare Their Daycare Bag

As you’re preparing their things for daycare, one thing you can do to help them be more comfortable with the change is to include them in your preparations. Usually, the daycare sends a packing list of things that they’ll need to make sure that your child is well taken care of. These can include things from diapers, an extra set of clothes, down to any medication they need for certain allergies or conditions.

By involving your child in the preparations, they can slowly become accustomed to the fact that they’re really going to daycare the next day, or in a few days to come. This can help them set their expectations as well as ease their mind.

4. Get Them to Label Their Belongings

Lastly, you want to make sure that everything you have packed is labeled with their name. We’ve got a lot of daycare labels and designs to help you out with that. You can design a daycare label together with your child, place an order, and then receive the order in a little unboxing activity.

Once you’ve got the daycare labels on-hand, you can work together attaching them to each of their belongings, from their lunchboxes to their water bottles, toys, clothes, and other necessities that go in their daycare bag.

Seeing their name repeatedly on their stuff can help give them a sense of ownership, confidence, and reassurance that they’re going to be well taken care of during their time at the daycare. And seeing their name so often can even instill in them a sense of pride in their own name. Next thing you know they’ll be showing off their things to other kids at the daycare saying, “This is mine. It’s got my name on it.”

Hopefully, all this has been helpful in getting you and your kid prepared to step into daycare. If you want to know more about the different types of daycare labels we have available in our online store, feel free to browse through the rest of our website.


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